Today were going to talk a little bit about stance. Its not everyone cup of tea but you cant argue the fact that it can really work when done right. The correct stance can really set a car apart from others. Its surprising to see that a totally oem stock looking car with the correct wheels and stance can absolutely shit all over a crazy expensive looking exterior rapped car. Like many I have talked to, its possible to make even the worst car look good with the the right wheels and stance. By stance it can mean slammed or flushed or whatever. Achieving a decent poke with the rims always looks good with some stretched tires on any car model. There are many people out there who use there car for a purpose, and maybe cannot enjoy stance or feel that it isn’t a whole lot functional but, its still truly epic to see someone with a perfect wheel fitment and still use there car on the daily basis. While sites like Hellaflush and stanceworks are taking over in the states this is quickly becoming a growing trend amongst car enthusiasts worldwide. Check this super diagram to see what we mean.

This doesn’t really need an explanation, we all know what stock looks like.

Lowered usually looks good.You can do that with lowering springs or coilovers. With the right wheels again complementing a clean body it usually works out good.

Slammed is usually going to look good also when done right. The right car slammed on the right wheels is always going to catch attention.

Here’s a decent example of a flush car. The rims poke but only past the arches a tiny bit. Flush is certainly pleasing to the eye. No wheels lost in arches here and it makes the car look aggressive as fuck. Something that can be done so easily on many cars Ive seen but its usually always overlooked.

This can be called Hellaflush. I’m going to use hellaflush because its the American terminology which has gotten quite popular.
Hella. Originated from the streets of San Francisco in the Hunters Point neighborhood. It is commonly used in place of “really” or “very” when describing something.
So I guess we can adapt it and say Veryflush hahah? Maybe not. who knows. I guess in the image we have a perfectly stanced s14. Theres even more images out there of cars which have done it alot better but this car will do for the example. Its the perfect example of the right set of wheels executed at the right stance on a clean car.

Sometimes too much of something can look completely retarded. This golf definitly had some serious overkill with those wheels. Ive read that this was just a joke but still, holy shit. Never do this. haha also you can call this “devil camber”

Last but not least we have Paddiflush. This can be seen all over Ireland. It usually comes in the form of a set of superlite wheels horribly fitted to anything they are attached to. Check this Dc2 above for example. Paddi flush is usually where some superlites watanbe rip off wheels are sticking out at either side of the car for miles and turn the car into a remote control buggy.  This is extremly common on ep71 starlets but can usually be seen onanything these days. I hope this has made some sort of sense to people who didnt really know or dont really care about stance. At the end of the day its not the be all end all of the car scene. But to be honest its scary to see how it can change the whole look of a car and peoples percetions on what the car itself is rocking.

Its shocking what wonders it works for cars. Stance Truly means a lot to a car. Something that is totally overlooked by many a people when building a car

i hope this was educational sorry it was so long but thanks for reading this =) hope you learned something

source: Juicebox

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